Goals, alarm bells and recuperation

Since finally getting sober in 2016, I’ve been driven by a need to make up for lost time.

I lost seven years to alcoholism. In my head, that meant that I was seven years behind everyone else my age.

I labelled myself an underdog – and that self-evaluation has done me wonders.

There is an extra layer of satisfaction when you achieve anything against the odds.

It doesn’t matter what that achievement is. For me, it started with staying sober.

I always try to have a plan and a next goal in sight. It works for me and keeps my head in the right place.

Goals are incredibly important to me and are a huge part of my recovery. I’ve experienced knock backs during my 5+ years sober, and I’ve learnt from them and not reached for the bottle. And I’m SO bloody proud of that!

But it’s easy to get lost in work and goals. I’ve realised that allotting time to relax, recuperate and spend time with family and friends, is just as important as hitting my next target.

I’m still learning how to recover from alcohol addiction. I think I always will be. But I have a better sense of danger now. I know when I need to make a change or a slight adjustment to my life.

It’s so important that anyone in recovery can react to even the most delicate alarm bell.

I think up until this point, I’ve had periods when I can recuperate purely by chance and how circumstances have fallen.

That won’t always be the case. So, it’s important that I make time – if the cards don’t fall my way.

It’s alcohol awareness week and this year’s theme is alcohol and relationships. I do not have a relationship with alcohol anymore.

But I do with my loved one’s – and I’m so grateful those relationships were repairable after the pain I caused.

That is another monumental reason I need to be wary of becoming too focused on goals. Family, friends, goals, and rest are all cogs in my recovery machine – along with routine, talking honestly, exercise and this blog.

They’ve all worked together to keep me sober. I must not forget that.

Thank you for reading. Stay safe.


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