World Mental Health Day – Talking Does Save Lives!

As I’m sure most of you are aware, today is world mental health day. It’s brilliant how much everyone is talking about this cause. It’s all-over social media and television – more so than I can ever remember in the past.

I know what it’s like for your own head to be your worst enemy. For you to be locked in a constant battle with your own thoughts. For years I tried to fight the addict part of my brain on my own. The part of my brain that would trick, deceive, con and manipulate me into relapse.

I would literally sit in front of people who were trying to help me and not say a word of truth about the battle of thoughts erupting between my ears.

Luckily for me, four years ago, I finally realised how important talking about what was going on in my head was. Sharing the thoughts about drinking I was having was like lifting a huge crushing weight off my back. It was no longer a dirty secret in my head.

It’s hard to express in words how important it was for me to have made this realisation. The only way I can sum it up is to say talking saved my life. It helped me to rationalise the thoughts I was having and made me feel like I wasn’t on my own.

Talking about your problems or how you aren’t feeling great doesn’t make you weak. It doesn’t make you less of a person. Issues with addiction or mental health can happen to anyone at any time. What talking can do is help you recover from these issues. It did for me.

I now talk about my issues, thoughts and recovery to whoever will listen! Most of the time they don’t have a choice! I don’t do this because I love the sound of my own voice, I do it because I know how much it helps me. It keeps me on the right path and the balance of power in my head exactly where I want it to be.

If I hadn’t started talking about what was going on in my head, the chances are I wouldn’t be breathing now. I wouldn’t have recovered from alcohol addiction. It was that important to me.

So, if you’re struggling right now, talk to someone about it. And most importantly, talk honestly. Talking does save lives.   

Thank you so much for reading.


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